Off Grid Home Forums Technical Discussion tankless water heaters Reply To: tankless water heaters



I am curious… how many litres or gallons per minute does a $400 USD tankless water heater buy in the USA ?

Mine is 12L per minute (3.1 gallon) that is 24v DC powered for off-grid use, and I paid around the same price many years ago when off-grid was not popular.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="768"]12L Tankless Water Heater Stainless Steel 24v DC blower and ignition LPG Tankless Water Heater.[/caption]


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="683"]Tankless Water Heater - Inside The inside components of the Stainless Steel 24v exhaust and ignition of the LPG tankless Water Heater[/caption]
