Off Grid Home Forums Technical Discussion Failed escape in British Columbia Re: Failed escape in British Columbia


If you are determined to get way off the grid and not be bothered by inspectors pick a place that is a days horseback ride from the nearest road.

No way will an inspector bother to go to one house if it involves renting a horse for two days; 1 day going to and one day coming back from. Pick a place over the ridge from a lake large enough to land a twin otter. Those work horses can air freight 2000 pounds of payload and drop it shore side close to your cottage. For example 4 drums of fuel for an Alaskan Saw Mill and you can build a home in a month from local trees. A pilot friend of mine di that. Ride out once a month for supplies or arrange for a float plane to drop off supplies on a schedule. There are several vanity press books dealing exactly with how some people did exactly that and this website also published an article about one man who did exactly that up in Alaska. You can’t get further off-grid than that.