
Sarah Palin

I just finished watching Sarah Palin on TV, (yes, I had to go to my neighbor’s house to do it…what do you think we have excess power for things like TV???) Anyhoo, I think she is cute, a powerhouse, and will make one heck of a VP, and the other thing I noticed about her, she reminds me of Peggy Hill! :) Sarah Palin looks like Peggy Hill, and she sounds like Peggy Hill, or should that be Peggy Hill looks and sounds like Sarah Palin? Can’t wait to see her in office.

Peggy Hill for Vice President!


4 Responses

  1. Scott
    Wow, I didn’t expect anyone from LaMar’s site so soon, thanks for reading and commenting. Tell me about yourself, I read your profile on Blogger, why don’t you have a blog? You sound like you have had enough adventures of your own to keep lots of readers happy. :) You sound like “my kinda guy”, if I weren’t already very happily married… :)


  2. Hi,
    Saw your blog from Lamars site. Took a quick look and saw Sara Palins name. Sounds to me like you have it all together. Living off-grid and you like my Governor. I live in Alaska and let me tell you she is the best Governor we have had in decades. What you saw last night is the real her only she is much more. The media has bashed her and her family and twisted the truth or just out right lied. I do not have a television either so only listened to it on the radio. It will be hard losing her but good for the rest of the country.

  3. Jennifer
    Ohhh, frost already? So far the coldest night was last night, it got down to 50F, I don’t know when to expect the first frost or freeze, this is my first year here, but I expect to see it before the month is over.

    I didn’t see the Peggy Hill look until well into Sarah Palin’s speech, but once I could see it, it stuck! We did plan on watching her, watched Guilani (sp?) then Sarah, wasn’t much interested in any of the other stuff going on, pretty much knew McCain would get the nomination.


  4. Cant believe I didnt see the Peggy Hill comparison, funny! I hadnt planned on watching her speach but tripped over it channel surfing and stopped to listen. She made a good impression, will have to see how things go…
    Had frost twice this week, was able to save my pumpkins. I had to put them in the tack shed. Have you had any frost yet in your neck of the woods? I live in the high desert in Oregon and its very hard to have a garden here, with the short seasons.

    A pat to Pekoe!

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