
alternative medicine

Don’t get sick

It’s that time of the year when people stop spending so much time outside, between the cold weather and the sun going down so much earlier, people spend more time indoors with each other, in closed up rooms and buildings. It’s no wonder people get sick so much easier, and they expose other people to these bacteria and viruses.

I like being more proactive with natural remedies. Things that build my immune system and help my body fight off what I am exposed to when I’m out in the world. Actions such as washing my hands more often, not touching my face (especially my eyes, nose and mouth), many bacteria and virus enter our bodies through our hands touching openings in the body, these are easy entry ways. I think about this when I’m in public, touching door knobs, opening doors, shopping cart handles, gas pumps, public ink pens and the such. Any place that someone else has touched is potentially infected with nasties I’d rather not pass to myself.

One more thing I actively consider is another persons’ airstream, the space where they were breathing, coughing, sneezing, if I hear someone cough of sneeze ahead of me, I will do my utmost best not to walk through the air where they just expelled millions of droplets of potential infection. Might sound silly, but I don’t get sick as a general rule, not saying I am 100% on this, but it’s a rare thing for me to get sick.

One of the proactive things I do when I know I’m going to be exposed to more people is to take elderberry, I prefer taking it in pill form, but you can also get it as a syrup. It’s said to work by keeping the virus from attaching itself in your body, if it can’t attach to one of your cells, then it can’t infect you.

I also take other supplements to boost my immune system, things like turmeric (curcumin), cayenne powder, ginkgo biloba, of course vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D, and a myriad of other supplements. I prefer to fill my own capsules when I can, using a capsule filling machine, buying many of my supplements in bulk powder form. It’s cheaper that way, and I know what is going in the capsules, no fillers, no binders, nothing that I didn’t put in it.

Right now I am able to buy these supplements, but that may not be true in the future, between the government trying to keep us from healing ourselves and big pharma worried about their bottom line, it’s always a good idea to have a general knowledge of your local plant life to know what you can use for medicine.

When I first moved to my west Texas off-grid home, I looked around this high desert and couldn’t imagine what I could use for medicine, …

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A new doc in town

I think I am in love, and it’s with another man, but it’s not what you might think :) About a month ago, I took my friend to a nearby town to see a new doctor, there is a very long story that goes with why she wanted a new doctor, one I’ll not bore you with… the first time I saw/met this doctor, my first impression was I like him. He is about as unpretentious as you can get, he wears jeans with the cuffs rolled up, cowboy boots, t-shirts with vintage cars on them, he drives an old beater pickup truck, yes my first impression was he wasn’t like most other doctors I have met.

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Being sick away from help


I have been going through one of the things that is greatly feared by the off-grid and rural community, getting very sick, I’m not talking about a little cough or feeling bad, I’m talking putting you in bed, wavering between feeling horrible and feeling like I died an hour ago…. it’s the worst sick I have been in MANY MANY years.  This started a week ago Saturday, with a slight sore throat and a little tickle in my throat, from there it degraded to putting me in bed with a fever, coughing fits so bad I feared I would stop breathing, this really tested me and my resolve to take care of myself. There is a point where one gets bad enough to go ahead and see a doctor, I came as close to that point this time as I ever have since we moved off-grid.

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Elderberry Extract: Nature’s “Tamiflu”

Flu season is in full swing, everywhere I look I see advertisements for flu shots, something I personally would not take, I can’t speak for anyone else, everyone has to make their own decision, hopefully an informed decision. At the very least, I would say to read the information packet that comes with the flu shot BEFORE taking it, read the warnings, read what they put in it, read the effectiveness of it.  Or you could take nature’s flu remedy.

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Keeping healthy in winter

Staying healthy, especially during the winter is one of the things I actively work on. I believe one of the reasons so many more get sick during the cold months is because we tend to stay indoors more and have less fresh air coming in because it’s too cold to raise windows. We cram ourselves inside the house, inside stores and are around more people. The more people you are around, the more likely you are to be exposed to someone who is sick. I am not exposed to very many people as a rule, just because of the way I live in a low population area. The main exposure I have is going to church and being a caretaker for a friend, it means I sometimes have to take her to doctor appointments, I do my best not to go into the doctor offices, clinics or hospitals, but sometimes I have to. So I work hard to keep my exposure to a minimum and to keep my immune system in tip top shape.

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